Dostupné len v rámci vzdelávacej inštitúcie
O vzdialených laboratóriach dostupných len v rámci vzdelávacej organizácie sa zvyčajne zmieňuje web portál danej organizácie. Často je možné nájsť ich popis aj v odborných publikáciách pracovníkov organizácie. Prístup k nim je však možný len z ich LMS portálov. Napriek tomu je možné skúsiť nájsť kontakt na ľudí z vedenia organizácie zodpovedných za chod vzdialeného laboratória a pokúsiť sa získať od nich prístup.
Treba však pri tom komunikovať na úrovni vedúcich pracovníkov.
Tento typ laboratória sa intenzívne využíva vo vzdelávaní. Je teda kvalitne odladený a dostupný 24/7.
Ako príklad vzdialeného laboratória tohto typu môžeme uviesť projekt Laboratorio Remotu v Argentíne. O niečo otvorenejší je projekt Labshare v Austrálii, ktorý združuje experimenty ďalších partnerských organizácií.
iLabs Around the World - Electronics Experiments
Electronics Experiments:
- Microelectronics Device Characterization Lab (MIT)
Weblab measures the current-voltage characteristics of various microelectronics devices - Dynamic Signal Analyzer (DSA) lab (MIT)
The DSA allows a user to perform frequency domain measurements on electronic circuits and control systems. - ELVIS Lab (MIT)
This lab is based on the National Instruments ELVIS hardware platform and is used to perform measurements on a variety of electronic devices and circuits. - Digital Electronic experiment (Makerere)
- Elvis Op-amp experiment (OAU)
The lab utilizes the Dozen-impedance OpAmp circuit. By placing switches from the switching matrix at strategic locations, the dozen impedance circuit makes it possible to construct up to 6 different OpAmp circuits using a single OpAmp. - Digital Logic Gate (OAU)
- DC Machine (University of Queensland, Australia)
Examine various characteristics of a DC motor such as Voltage versus Speed, Voltage versus Field Current, Voltage Regulation versus Load, Speed versus Applied Voltage and Speed versus Field Current. Access available through the University of Queensland Service Broker - accounts required. - AC Machine (University of Queensland, Australia)
Examine various characteristics of an AC motor by measurement of Voltage, Current and Power Factor. Access available through the University of Queensland Service Broker – account required. - *iDyno (University of Queensland, Australia)
iDyno is an variable speed motor drive (VSD) and 4 pole squirrel cage induction motor combination, loaded by another identical VSD and induction motor acting as the dynamometer. This experiment involves an instrumented variable speed drive and induction machine experimental test bench which can be operated and interrogated remotely. - MEM Experiment
This experiment involves MEMS devices and particularly with micro mirror devices. - *iPVarray (University of Queensland, Australia)
An instrumented PV array of 12 x 60W solar panels at the University of Queensland. This 720W array is connected to the grid with a Fronius grid connect inverter. Each individual solar panel is instrumented via a network of data logging / power electronic converter boards so that each solar panel’s voltage, current and temperature can be logged.
iLabs Around the World - Control Experiments
Control Experiments:
- Inverted pendulum (University of Queensland, Australia)
Inverted Pendulum is a well known control theory experiment where by control laws are derived and tweaked as to balance a pole much like one balances a broom on their finger. - Power Flow Control Generators (RMIT University)
The variable frequency inverter fed Induction Motor is driving the Generator. Induction motor represents the Turbine in real life situations. The generator is loaded. Induction motor is driven by V/F inverter. This controls the torque provided on the generator shaft. With increasing torque the real power generated goes up. When the field voltage is increased the reactive power generated by the generator goes up but not the real power delivered.
iLabs Around the World - Physics Experiments
Physics Experiment
- Force On a Dipole Experiment (MIT)
This experiment consists of a small magnet suspended vertically by a spring in the center of two horizontally mounted coils. We use a video camera set in a position to observe the oscillation of the magnet. LabView software from National Instruments is used to both generate and allow the remote choice of control voltages, waveforms, and for monitoring current and outputting a data stream. - Radioactivity (UQ)
Measure the activity of radioactive sources over various distances and durations.
Access available through the University of Queensland Service Broker – account required.
iLabs Around the World - Spectrometer Experiments
Spectrometer Experiments
- Neutron Beam (MIT)
Demonstration of Half Thickness or Shielding Effectiveness in a Neutron Beam. - Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution (MIT)
Measurement of the Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution of Thermal Neutrons by correlating the temperature of the reactor with the availability of thermal neutrons for measurement. - Bragg Diffraction and the DeBroglie Wavelength (MIT)
Demonstration of Bragg Diffraction and the DeBroglie Wavelength using a crystal monochromater.
iLabs Around the World - Telecommunications Experiments
Telecommunications Experiments
- Nyquist Sampling Theorem (Makerere)
- Pulse Code Modulation (Makerere)
- Line Coding Schemes (Makerere)
- Amplitude Modulation (Makerere)
- Frequency Modulation (Makerere)