Dostupné po bezplatnej registrácii

Pri vzdialených laboratóriách s nutnosťou registrácie sa treba zaregistrovať v dostatočnom predstihu. Registrácia totiž môže trvať aj viac dní. Po akceptácii registrácie učiteľa, správca vzdialeného laboratória zašle užívateľské meno a heslo (login a password) učiteľovi emailom. Ak sa učiteľ rozhodne použiť experiment, treba zvážiť či sa budú registrovať aj študenti, alebo použijú vzdialený experiment pod učiteľovým účtom (použijú učiteľov login a password). Pritom treba zobrať do úvahy aj možnú zlomyseľnú aktivitu študentov.
Vzdialené laboratóriá s nutnosťou registrácie sú zvyčajne stabilnejšie dostupné ako laboratóriá bez registrácie.
Ako príklad vzdialeného laboratória s nutnou bezplatnou registráciou môžeme uviesť projekt NetLab v Austrálii.

OpenLabs Electronics Laboratory

Here you will find the resources needed to experiment in electronics via the internet. We have developed a system where you can make electronic experiments, right here in your browser. We supply basic equipment, such as oscilloscope, multimeter, function generator and power supply. With these and a number of electronic components you can build circuits on our virtual breadboard. None of the measurements are simulated. The circuits you build will be formed and measured on, and the real measurement results will be displayed.
Online experiment

Signal Processing Laboratory

In this laboratory you will be able to examine a mechanical structure shown in the figures below, using common equipment with in the field of sound and vibration analysis. The experiment is designed to reflect on a common vibration problem in the manufacturing industry, i.e. vibration in internal turning. The object under investigation is a boring bar used for internal turning in a lathe. Vibration problem associated with this type of process is considered to be an important and critical factor concerning the performance, the tool life, the surface finishing, etc. that finally ends up on the productivity and production costs negatively.
Online experiment


The Importance of Practical Experiments
Practical experiments are an essential component of any University electrical engineering program. They provide the opportunity for students to apply their theoretical knowledge about the behaviour of electrical systems to real world problems. It develops important analysis skills. Most importantly, while reading about the mathematics in textbooks and listening to the explanations in lectures provide important information, actually getting hands on experience with it and seeing it for themselves will always be the most effective way to reinforce the concepts in the students mind and help them to remember it and understand it.
Online experiment